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Just Don't Overthink it #7.png


“Just Don’t Overthink It” is my first conceptual body of work as an abstract expressionist mixed media painter. The series marks a significant point in my career as an artist.

Ironically, I did nothing but overthink the placement of every scratch, scribble and splash of paint in these pieces. As a formally trained fine art photographer, it took years of working through my self-doubt to feel confident enough to share my work as a multimedia artist.  

With this series, I want to convey a visual conversation between the viewer and I that not only captures the kinetic energy that went into creating each piece, but also conveys emotion and vulnerability.  A harsh scribble representing a moment of frustration, or a bright splatter of paint depicting a burst of laughter with a friend. 

“Just Don’t Overthink It” is me at my most vulnerable. 



The thrill of finding a new place is at the heart of all good travel experiences.  Personally, I love the idea of getting lost in a country or city and stumbling upon a hidden gem off the beaten track.

The “Discovered Places” series takes still images from some of my most beloved travel destinations and recaptures them in an abstract expression, encapsulating the excitement and energy I felt in each moment.

Whether it was getting lost in Paros, Greece and finding a quaint seaside village, or hiking through the rolling hills of New Zealand, these pieces represent some of my own personal favourite travel memories. I hope that the viewer is able to feel the energy of these moments, perhaps reflect on the excitement they might have felt visiting these places, or maybe even feel inspired to seek out their own adventure.

This Is Not a Test #6.jpg


An ongoing series that was never intended to happen, This Is Not a Test is a collection made up of small paint studies and paintings that didn’t work out as intended. Most of these paintings were created to test compositions and the juxtaposition of colour and shape. I have used many of these pieces to inspire more intentioned works, but found them too beautiful to discard, so I have curated them into a series all their own.


Present Moment

For over a decade, I have been on a path to becoming a more self-aware person, and being able to live in and appreciate the present moment. A moment where I am not weighed down reliving the past or planning the future. A moment where I am not using thought to fill up my ego, but allowing myself to feel the emotions, letting them possess me by becoming immersed in the stillness that is the present. Continue Reading

Jeremy Gesualdo (5).png
Reflect It Back 2.jpg

Commissioned Works

Jeremy Gesualdo (1).png